Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Beccy's Challenge - Day 30 -
Do what you love

 The Day 30 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
 Ziua 30 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe blogul lui Beccy.

For the last piece of the game I chose a heat embossed mandala on a pattern
paper, with a few accents with gel pens.
Nothing complicated, just symbolic...

Pe o hartie cu model este o mandala embosata la cald, iar
culorile provin din pixuri cu gel. Nimic complicat, doar simbolic...

Thank you for this beautiful game, Beccy and thank you to all
participants who shared their inspired creations.

I wish you to all  Merry Christmas, peace and love, health and joy.

Day 29 - Z

Impodobim bradul - Glob de carton

Ma reintorc  in timp pentru a adauga si eu un globulet pentru bradul din 2021,
pe blogul Copilarim, unde Rux a reluat jocul.

Nu am construit niciodata asa ceva, e vorba de un dodecaedru.
Detaliile le vedeti mai jos. Elementul de baza are latura ~ 28mm.

Este confectionat din carton. Ar fi trebuit mai gros. Ar fi iesit mai bine
dupa lipire. Alta data voi sti...
Apoi l-am pictat cu auriu. Cu un ac lung am strecurat un fir stralucitor.
La intrarile firului am pus doua perlute.
Chiar daca nu e mare lucru, am vrut totusi sa-l fac. 

A fost un alt fel de joc!

Evident ca am vrut sa vad negativul:

Update:  Diploma de participare pentru impodobirea bradului vintage!



Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Beccy's Challenge - Day 29 -
A zentangle trial...

 The Day 29 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
 Ziua 29 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe blogul lui Beccy.

This time I tried a 'zentangle'  composition, at least I consider that it is so.😊
I started with a 'snowflake' created from a yogurt jar lid. The shape was obtained
with cut outs as you can see below. I printed the image, but lighter.
The paper is shaped around the geometry and bonded on a tangle-tile sprayed with
blue. The drawing  is related somehow with the snowflake.

Am incercat o compozitie 'zentangle' - nu stiu echivalentul
romanesc. Am pornit de la un fulg creat dintr-un capac de iaurt.
Am tiparit imaginea mai luminos, decupat-o si lipit-o pe un carton
dedicat stilului si pulverizat cu albastru. Apoi desenul s-a
modelat cumva pe ggeometria fulgului.

If you see there a  tree, is perfect...

Some strange effects...

I found a site about this technique. For the moment it's enough for me...

Day 28 - CAS

Monday, November 28, 2022

Beccy's Challenge - Day 28 -
Clean and Simple -A blue space

 The Day 28 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
 Ziua 28 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe blogul lui Beccy.

The Christmas protection!

On a blue cardboard I heat embossed the image of wings using a silicon stamp.
The metallic blue is acrylic. The corner is punched. With a gel pen I marked the
edges and the waves to improve their quality.  As embellishment there are
some 'pearls' and a shiny lace with a random pattern.

Pe un carton albastru, aripile sunt embosate la cald.
Albastrul metalic este acrilic iar cu pixul cu gel am conturat
marginile si zona valurita. Am adaugat perlute si o plasa neomogena.

It's a lot of clean space here for those beautiful wings!

Day 27 - Y

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Beccy's Challenge - Day 27 - Letter Y
A lot of yellow and three 'Suns'

 The Day 27 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
 Ziua 27 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe blogul lui Beccy.

Find the warm of Christmas!

I wanted once to make a composition with Beccy's creation: 'Le Soleil',
in the style of a stained glass window. I dropped the idea, but the page
remained. What you see in three places are pieces of that projects.
The background is a white cardboard painted and sprayed with yellow,
different locations. Some shiny strips are added included ones from an
old wall paper. The rest of the surface is completed with doodling
from gel pens including the corners.

Pe un carton alb sunt mai multe zone pictate sau pulverizate
cu galben. Cei trei 'sori' provin dintr-o lucrare mai veche
nefinalizata, continand compozitia lui Beccy - Soarele.
Ma gandisem la un vitraliu, insa nu a fost sa fie. Am adaugat
benzi de hartie, inclusiv de la un material de tapet si niste
efecte doodling cu pixuri cu gel. 

For today is a lot of yellow and warm from three Suns...

Day 26 - X

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Beccy's Challenge - Day 26 - Letter X
A tree created with 'X' letters

 The Day 26 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
 Ziua 26 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe blogul lui Beccy.

The 'tree' is printed and the page shaped as a triangle. The background
is a beige cardboard. You can see below how I created the image:
a photo from above of a wood tree - two pieces. This one was multiplied
to obtain the triangle.
Around it there are strips of paper, stickers, shiny dots and some doodling
accents with gel pens.

'Copacul' este printat pe o pagina taiata in triunghi si lipita
pe un carton bej. Imaginea este obtinuta prin multiplicarea
unui 'X' ce reprezinta vederea de sus a unui copac de lemn din
doua bucati. In jurul lui sunt benzi de hartie, stickere si ceva
doodling cu carioci cu gel.

21 'X' letters for a tree! It was fun to do it!

Day 25 - W

Friday, November 25, 2022

Beccy's Challenge - Day 25 - Letter W
More experiments on white!

 The Day 25 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
 Ziua 25 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe blogul lui Beccy.

It's not quite complicated to explain, but it's not easy either...
The red center is a piece of glossy paper. After I crumpled it,
those white lines
appears as  cracks into the surface. It is bonded with materials for napkin
The base is a white round paper with a punched pattern that I plasticized.
The other colors are from a pearl pen and two colors for glass.
The sackcloth and the shiny material are for presentation only.
I want to cover it with a varnish, but I do not know with what.
...   Here I need an advise...

Elementul central rosu este o hartie lucioasa pe care am
mototolit-o. Asa au aparut fisurile albe in suprafata.
Este lipita cu materiale din tehnica servetelului pe o hartie
cu model, plasticizata. Culorile sunt din tub si culori pentru
sticla. Suprafata este nelacuita pentru ca inca nu stiu cu ce.  

I think this project could be a tree decoration or a card, if I bond it on a

Day 24 - V


On Suze's blog, she referred a link regarding the use of scraps parts.
Looking at it, I discovered a new one, that I want to share:


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Beccy's Challenge - Day 24 - Letter V
A tree with a velvet touch

 The Day 24 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
 Ziua 24 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe blogul lui Beccy.

The background is a white cardboard stock size,  stamped with a rubber stamp.
On the triangular shape for the tree, I put double sided adhesive tape on which
I poured a green 'velvet' powder. I cleaned the excess and
remained a surface with a
velvet touch. A blue velvet powder is also in two corners. As embellishment there
are: stickers, acrylic gold, gel pens, pearl marker pen (for the tree), four pieces
from a red pattern strip paper.

Pe un carton alb stampilat cu o stampila de silicon, este lipit bradutul,
realizat punand pulbere verde cu efect de catifea pe banda dublu adeziva.
La fel in doua colturi am folosit pubere albastra. Pentru accesorizare
am folosit: acrilic auriu, stickere, pixuri cu gel, tub cu gel pentru copac,
patru bucatele dintr-o banda cu model.

I like this velvet touch. So I used it for letter V!

Day 23 - U

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Calendarul recreativ (8) -
Piatra din rama -
Levitatie intr-un spatiu special

Niko ne provoaca sa participam la Calendarul Recreativ, cu lucrari utilizand
materiale din natura.

Saptamana 8 - Fructe cu coaja tare si sursele de inspiratie.

Levitatie intr-un spatiu special

Ultima completare
se refera la adaugarea unui anason stelat, pictat in galben
auriu, ca si fondul general.

Calendarul recreativ (7)

Idei de final

Au trecut aproape opt saptamani. Nu am mai petrecut atat de mult timp
impreuna cu o compozitie. E obligatoriu sa-i multumesc Dianei pentru ca
de la abordarea ei cu o poveste avand mai multe etape, a pornit ideea de a
cladi conceptul acestei lucrari.
Interesant a fost ca initial nu am avut imaginea intregului puzzle. Am spus
acest lucru prin comentarii. Am vrut doar sa experimentez tehnica servetelului
pe o piatra. De la saptamana la saptamana, prin ceea ce Niko ne oferea ca
inspiratii, ideile au aparut, aproape tiptil, pana acum cand s-a produs si
incheierea unei inedite calatorii a unei pietre.

Evident ca nu putea lipsi...

Beccy's Challenge - Day 23 - Letter U
A unicorn on a bookmark

 The Day 23 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
 Ziua 23 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe blogul lui Beccy.

For this project I reloaded the idea of using a photo of a colored page
from a book with scratch patterns, an unicorn.  
I printed the image and this time the colors are better!😊
It is bonded on a blue cardboard shaped as a bookmark. On the edges, there
are pieces from a chocolate box.
In addition there are two snowflakes and some yellow pieces obtained by punching.

O pagina cu un unicorn obtinut prin razuire, am fotografiat-o,
tiparit-o si apoi am lipit-o pe un carton albastru in forma de semn
de carte. pe margine sunt bucati dintr-o cutie de ciocolata.
Am mai lipit doua stickere - fulgi de zapada si cateva bucatele
galbene obtinute prin perforare.

I wanted a bookmark with an unicorn and now I have it!

Day 22 - T

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Beccy's Challenge - Day 22 - Letter T
A card in a techno style...

 The Day 22 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
 Ziua 22 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe blogul lui Beccy.

There is always a way of escape!

I used the black cardboard from the letter S (without the area of snowflake).
I embossed it with a tool that you can see in the image, punched it to obtain
some holes and after that I bonded it on a silver cardboard.

The next steps: painting with blue the embossed shapes, bonding the 'gear'
in the central area, adding a sticker with a reindeer and some accents with
gel pens.

Pentru acest proiect am utilizat cartonul de la litera S din care
decupasem fulgul, l-am embosat cu un aparat dedicat, perforat
in cateva locuri si apoi lipit pe un carton argintiu. Pasii urmatori
au fost: pictarea cu albastru a formelor embosate, lipirea in
zona centrala a 'angrenajului', lipirea stickerului cu ren si
adaugarea catorva accente cu pixuri cu gel.

This time was a techno style, not very complicated!

Day 21 - S

Monday, November 21, 2022

Beccy's Challenge - Day 21 - Letter S
The place of a silver snowflake

 The Day 21 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
 Ziua 21 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe blogul lui Beccy.

This card has three layers: a beige cardboard, a pattern shaped cardboard
and the last one, black with an embossed silver snowflake.
In addition: in two corners glitter on adhesive tape, blue, red and gold gel
pens, blue acrylic on the black area and  green pencil near the trees.

Felicitarea are trei straturi: o baza bej, un carton cu model si
fulgul embosat pe un carton negru. Suplimentar am folosit
sclipici pe banda adeziva, pixuri cu gel, acrilic albastru si
creion verde pe langa brazi.

For the S letter the same snowflake has another story!

Day 20 - R

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Beccy's Challenge - Day 20 - Letter R
Red and brilliances

 The Day 20 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
 Ziua 20 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe blogul lui Beccy.


On a red cardboard, it is a snowflake heat embossed.
Around it is a frame that I created from five pieces bonded on a shiny
paper, in order to form the shape and use it easier.
The triangles resulted from the same paper -- the surface cut inside the
frame geometry. The corners are punched and decorated with gel pens.

Pe un carton rosu este un fulg embosat, inconjurat de o
rama creata din cinci bucati lipite pe o hartie stralucitoare.
Triunghiurile sunt din partea decupata ale hartiei.
Colturile sunt perforate si accentuate cu pix cu gel.

This is my card  with a lot of red!

Day 19 - Q