Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Beccy's Challenge -
Day 30 - Do what you love

The Day 30 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place (second entry)
Ziua 30 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

As final piece of this journey I chose again to color a mandala from a kit,
which is in velvet  bonded on a cardboard. The colors are markers, brushes
and that metallic blue that I love so much.  Again, in the image the gold looks
like yellow or green and the silver is white... I had to tell you!

Pentru piesa de final am ales sa colorez o mandala
formata in catifea lipita pe carton; am folosit markere,
pensule si acrilic albastru metalic in colturi. (auriul
si argintiul se vad diferit: galben, verde si alb)

This is the end of November challenge. It was fun day by day to change
the ideas, to find solutions, to discover new techniques and to admire
other creations. 
Thank you, Beccy for this journey full of colors, ideas and full of joy.

I wish you a good start in the Winter and warm wishes for Christmas!
                  Merry Christmas with health and inspiration!

Day 29 - Z

The whole journey!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Beccy's Challenge -
Day 21- Letter S (2)
The dance of blue for Christmas

The Day 21 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place (second entry)
Ziua 21 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy. (a doua lucrare)


I chose to do a new project with S, so this is it.
The base is a stock blue size cardboard, with a light pattern;
for the geometry I used a stencil with a lovely shape put on the
surface; the color inside the spaces is from a pad;
in the center I used a silicone stamp and also two stickers, copper
color; other colors: blue metallic and gold from a marker.

Pe un carton bleu usor embosat am folosit un sablon
rotund prin ale carui decupari am folosit culoare din
tusiera; centrul este realizat cu o stampila de silicon;
am mai adaugat doua stickere culoare cuprului;
alte culori: albastru metalic si auriu dintr-un marker.

This stencil is too lovely and I wanted to show it to you!

The negative

Day 21 - S (1)

Update: This card is part of the race winners!



Beccy's Challenge -
Day 29 - Letter Z
From a flower to a story

The Day 29 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 29 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

I start directly: the flower is Zinnia and I chose an image from Pinterest.
I modified the image with a transformation program I used before:

I printed the both images. The triangle is transformed in a tree.
It's bonded on a cardboard that this time was painted with an
acrylic shiny green; around it, there is glitter on a double sided
tape; the other image is cut and shared between left and right;
I added a few accents with a gold marker, a shiny gel pen and
a green marker;  the 'alive' snowflake and the red hat are from
pattern cardboards.


Felicitarea are o baza colorata cu o culoare acrilica
stralucitoare, verde; imaginile lipite sunt realizate prin
transformarea unei poze de floare ( carciumareasa);
am adaugat accente cu  markere auriu si verde si
carioca stralucitoare; fulgul 'viu' si caciulita rosie
apartin unor cartoane cu model; in jurul 'bradului'
este presarat sclipici pe banda dublu autoadeziva.

This is my project for letter Z, based on the flower called zinnia, a new
word for me...😊

The negative


Day 28 - Y

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Beccy's Challenge -
Day 28 - Letter Y
Yellow around a snowflake

The Day 28 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 28 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

Even it's a little bit unusual, I used a die just to obtained the image
by spraying with yellow and a bit of grey in the corners on a white
cardboard; after that I outlined
the areas with a shiny gel pen and
I painted the corners with a metallic blue; some stickers are added,
in the center being a snowflake.

Imaginea am obtinut-o utilizand o stanta peste care
am pulverizat cu galben si putin gri in colturi pe un
carton alb; dupa aceea am conturat zonele cu carioca
cu gel stralucitor si am pictat colturile cu albastru
metalic; am adaugat geometrii autocolante, in
centru fiind un fulg de zapada.

This was my yellow vision for letter Y.

The negative

Day 27 - X

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Beccy's Challenge -
Day 27 - Letter X
Xmas Satellite...

The Day 27 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 27 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

This is my vision for today...
On a white cardboard, a little bit thicker, through a plastic with holes,
I used my airbrush pen with a red color, obtaining a background with dots;
two dent lines between extreme corners form an huge X and four areas of the
surface; the colors from the background are from pads; the blue geometrical
elements are from a cardboard and everything else are stickers;
on the two lines I used a gold marker, including on the center piece.

Pe un carton mai gros, printr-un plastic cu gauri am folosit un
pix aerograf cu o culoare rosie si am realizat un fundal de puncte;
cele doua linii ce au unit colturile (adancite in carton) au generat
impartirea suprafetei in patru zone; fundalul este colorat utilizand
tusiere, elementele albastre sunt taiate dintr-un carton cu model si
restul accesoriilor sunt autocolante; pe linii am adaugat marker auriu.

This is my Xmas concept for letter X.

The negative

Day 26 - W

Friday, November 26, 2021

Beccy's Challenge -
Day 26 - Letter W
Shiny white

The Day 26 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 26 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

This time I reloaded a old idea of using white foam, in which I partially
cut the tree geometry and filled it with a gel containing some spheres.
When the gel were still wet, I put some small and shiny confetti;
under the triangle is bonded a piece of material for the embellishment
of candles, never used for such a purpose and the white and gold shiny
papers, left and right, are self adhesive; four snowflakes were punched
in some shiny materials.

Lucrarea este realizata pe spuma in care am practicat o decupare
in forma de bradut, pe care am umplut-o cu un gel cu sfere; pe
acesta am presarat confeti metalice cat era inca ud; sub bradut
este lipit un material ce teoretic trebuia sa decoreze lumanari si
alte doua materiale autocolante; fulgii sunt obtinuti prin perforare.
Info: gelul s-a uuscat complet in aproximativ doua ore.

This is my project for letter W.
Just an idea: the gel cured completely in approx. two hours.

Just some effects

Day 25 - V

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Beccy's Challenge -
Day 25 - Letter V
Vintage and velvet

The Day 25 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 25 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

A special space for the light...
Un spatiu special pentru lumina...

The base is a vintage cardboard from a set. On it are bonded:
the laterals are two pieces done with that awesome technique: 'paper craft tearing'
from an old
painted sheet; the two lines blue and pink were obtained with velvet
powder put on a double sided adhesive tape; the central image with the candles
on a background with a velvet emboss; the two flowers also from a page with a
velvet pattern; two small pieces from the print for the kaleidoscope day;
three very thin gold stickers: the little star and the chains;
used colors: silver and gold markers and a little bit acrylic red.

Acest proiect este centrat pe ideea de vintage - cartonul de baza-
si catifea: piesa centrala cu un model catifelat, florile sunt dintr-o
pagina cu o embosare catifelata, iar cele doua linii albastra si roz
sunt realizate cu pudra de catifea pe banda dublu autoadeziva;
mai sunt lipite lateralele dintr-un carton vechi pictat, trei
stickere extrem de subtiri, precum si doua bucatele din printarea
de la postarea din ziua a 13-a; culori utizate: markere
auriu si argintiu si putin rosu acrilic.

This is my creation for letter V with velvet and vintage ideas.


The negative


Day 24 -Sweet

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Beccy's Challenge -
Day 24 - Something sweet
Let's drink a tea

The Day 24 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 24 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.


The central piece is a Beccy's creation:

It is printed and bonded on a patterned and  embossed cardboard from a kit;
In addition there are some decor pieces from other hobby papers;
the image is colored with pencils and the blue lines are acrylic shiny  color.

Imaginea tiparita este lipita pe un carton cu model si
embosat; am adaugat cateva decoratiuni din pagini
pentru bricolaj; pentru colorare am folosit creioane
si tente albastre cu un acrilic stralucitor.

'Tea and cakes' was my inspiration for this day! 

The negative

Day 23 - U



Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Beccy's Challenge - Day 23- Letter U
A special unicorn

The Day 23 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 23 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

My unicorn!

My unicorn - a Christmas decoration -  inspired me for this project!
I printed a photo with it and bonded on a dark mauve cardboard on which you'll
see: gold shades from a pad and more yellow stamped images with another accessory
for cookies, in random positions.
In addition, lines with a gel shiny pen and blue metallic acrylic.

Imaginea unui unicorn - decoratiune de Craciun -  tiparita, este
lipita pe un carton mov inchis pe care am adaugat: urme aurii
dintr-o tusiera si mai multe imagini stampilate cu galben, utilizand
un alt accesoriu pentru bucatarie; in completare, linii realizate
cu gel auriu si albastru metalic acrilic.

This is my new project for letter U.

The negative

In addition, I play a little bit making this image with an unicorn, by
scraping the black color. Just a way of relaxing the mind!

Day 22 - T

Monday, November 22, 2021

Beccy's Challenge - Day 22- Letter T
The Christmas time...

The Day 22 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 22 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

The Time of miracles is approaching!
Timpul miracolelor se apropie!

The base is a cardboard from the winter paper block with a pattern with
snowflakes; on it there are some bonded elements:
an image with a clock from a stencil painted with acrylic on a mauve cardboard;
some wheels from a hobby kit; a 'flower' obtained with a cutting  die, with 12
petals; a few stickers: a small bell, two snowflakes and a round piece;
a bird obtained with a hobby puncher;
other colors: shiny gel pens on the flower and shades from pads on the background.

Cartonul de baza are un model cu fulgi de zapada; pe el sunt lipite
mai multe elemente: ceasul este pictat pe un carton mov printr-un
sablon; rotile dintate provin dintr-un kit de bricolaj; floarea este
obtinuta cu o stanta; mai sunt cateva stickere si o pasare obtinuta prin
perforare; culori adaugate: din tusiere pe fundal si markere stralucitoare.

For letter T the project is somehow techno!

The negative

Day 21 - S

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Beccy's Challenge - Day 21- Letter S
The stickers took control...

The Day 21 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 21 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

Everything is interconnected!
Totul este interconectat!

This time the base is a cardboard from a winter paper block (15 cm x 15 cm)
with a special snowflakes pattern;
I added some geometries with an element from a kit for cookies accessories. 😊
the spirals are created with the golden marker, the background shades  are from
pads; everything else are stickers - including the reindeer -and self adhesive
materials (for angel, squares and corner).

Cartonul de baza, mai mare, are un model de iarna cu 'fulgi
de zapada'; pe el am adaugat geometrii provenind de la un kit
de accesorii pentru cofetarie; spiralelele sunt formate cu marker
auriu iar culorile pe fundal sunt din tusiere; restul elementelor
sunt stickere (inclusiv renul) si materiale autocolante.

I decided with difficulty what to do for S letter. There are so many possibilities...

I want to tell you that the use of cookies shapes is a little bit difficult because
there are rigid and glossy, which is not good for pads...
But they can be used  by paying attention!

The negative


Day 20 - R

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Beccy's Challenge - Day 20- Letter R
A simple project with red

The Day 20 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 20 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

Take care of your Soul Garden!
Ai grija de Gradina Sufletului tau!

This project is based on the next image which is a Beccy's creation, from
the set  'The Christmas garden set'.
I printed it in colors, but the appearance is different than the original, sorry!

So, on a red background is bonded the printed image shaped with a hobby
scissor and some colored pieces from pattern papers for origami purpose.
A few shiny accents from gel pens were added.   

Pe un carton rosu am lipit imaginea tiparita
(o creatie a lui Beccy) si cateva bucatele din hartii
cu model pentru origami; am adaugat cateva
accente cu ajutorul markerelor cu gel.

This is my simple project for the red day!


Day 19 - Q