Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Beccy's Challenge - Day 17- Letter O
Abstract with ornaments...

The Day 17 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 17 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

This project has as base  a pale yellow cardboard , stock size, on which
there are several elements:
- the ornaments are heat embossed, using one silicon stamp;
- more elements from pattern cardboards are bonded;
- the four small stickers are self adhesive, part from a kit for crafting;
used colors: light blue acrylic for background together with gold metallic
marker and shiny gel pens for the ornaments and the left round geometry.

Pe un carton de culoare galben pal am adaugat: ornamentele
embosate la cald (stampila de silicon), diferite elemente lipite
provenind din cartoane cu model si patru stickere mici, provenind
dintr-un kit pentru bricolaj; culorile utilizate: un acrilic bleu pentru
fundal inpreuna cu marker auriu si carioci cu gel stralucitoare.

Ornaments and a little bit orange are part of the Day 17.

The same abstract embossed and orange!

Day 16 - N


  1. Lots of great colours on this one Suzana, fabulous! I love all the sparkle and shine you added with the tiny stickers and the glitter. Very festive.

    1. We are lucky that we find all sorts of cardboards and stickers for handmade. Without them would be a little bit difficult. And I add the silicon stamps and the fabulous heat embossing, a process that I love a lot.
      Thank you, Beccy!

  2. Varianta orange pare desen din lanuri. 😊 Imi plac ambele variante.
    ❤️ 😘

    1. Mi-a placut si mie portocaliul, dar numai la lanuri nu m-am gandit...
      ❤️ 😘
