Friday, November 26, 2021

Beccy's Challenge -
Day 26 - Letter W
Shiny white

The Day 26 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 26 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

This time I reloaded a old idea of using white foam, in which I partially
cut the tree geometry and filled it with a gel containing some spheres.
When the gel were still wet, I put some small and shiny confetti;
under the triangle is bonded a piece of material for the embellishment
of candles, never used for such a purpose and the white and gold shiny
papers, left and right, are self adhesive; four snowflakes were punched
in some shiny materials.

Lucrarea este realizata pe spuma in care am practicat o decupare
in forma de bradut, pe care am umplut-o cu un gel cu sfere; pe
acesta am presarat confeti metalice cat era inca ud; sub bradut
este lipit un material ce teoretic trebuia sa decoreze lumanari si
alte doua materiale autocolante; fulgii sunt obtinuti prin perforare.
Info: gelul s-a uuscat complet in aproximativ doua ore.

This is my project for letter W.
Just an idea: the gel cured completely in approx. two hours.

Just some effects

Day 25 - V


  1. Replies
    1. I'm glad you stopped by in this space.
      Have a fabulous weekend!

  2. I love all the sparkle and shine on this one Suzana, it's beautiful! The ribbons and fabric are also fabulous with the lovely, shiny gold accents. A wonderful collection of everything that glitters!

    1. I really do not now why I like the foam. Probably because I 'see' some possibilities for the future... That material for candles is quite beautiful, even a little bit rigid, but has a nice appearance.
      Thank you, Beccy! You so kind and warm in your comments.

  3. E superba! Imi place de numa' combinatia de culori - intregul ansamblu, practic, imi place. Ca cioara: tot ce-i lucios ma atrage. :D
    ❤️ 😘

    1. Ha, ha! Am devenit si eu fan al sclipiciului. Cred ca nu intamplator sunt atatea cartoane si materiale sclipioase de cumparat. Aici a fost mai complicat cu decupatul cartonului, sa nu ajung pe partea cealalta...
      ❤️ 😘
