Monday, November 8, 2021

Beccy's Challenge - Day 7- Letter F
A mistake with fluorescent colors...

The Day 7 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 7 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.


Materials and techniques:

No. of layers: 2 - the base, a mauve cardboard (stock size) and a white one
on which I printed a photo of a snowflake, shaped in the corners with a
hobby puncher;
Used colors: fluorescent colors on the triangles top and bottom, but unfortunately
on the background they look different; metallic gold marker around the
snowflake and for the lines on the laterals, shiny markers on the snowflake.

Proiect din doua straturi: o baza mov si cel alb pe care am tiparit
fotografia unui fulg si pe care am perforat-o cu model la colturi;
culorile utilizate: fluorescente in zona triunghiurilor de sus si de jos,
insa efectul pe fundalul ales este diferit; marker auriu metalic in jurul
fulgului si pentru liniile din laterale; markere stralucitoare pentru fulg.

Even I like my project, I'll create something else for this letter.
And now I know how these colors work on a dark background.


The negative


Day 6




  1. What a pretty snowflake Suzana, I love the colour. Great idea to cut out the decorative corners too, it adds another interesting element. I like the shiny pens you used for the decorative border, I think the colours look great!

    1. This snowflake is real and I did a photo with it. I suppose could be a good method of starting a project.
      Using such a dark background was a not very good decision for that colors... But was an interesting example of what not to do!
      Thank you, Beccy!

  2. Nu stiu cum arata in realitate - de zici ca nu arata nu-stiu-cum - dar mi se pare super contrasul, in poza.
    Imi place mult si ideea "triunghiurilor-spirala" (sau "labirint") 😊
    ❤️ 😘

    1. Nu e departe de realitate, insa ce era important pentu F practic nu s-a vazut: o culoare fluorescenta. Imi propusesem sa mai fac ceva cu aceasta litera, insa nu am mai apucat!
