Wednesday, September 23, 2020

A second attempt, full of glitter

This project is my entry for: 'September Challenge' on Beccy's Place.
Proiectul meu pentru provocarea lunii septembrie, pe site-ul lui Beccy

Just o few words: in 'the May challenge' I told you that my trial of coloring
the embossed flower, failed. So, this time, due to the optional element added,
I tried again:

A protected flower!


The original image received from Beccy is:

Materials and techniques:
Materiale si tehnici:

- two layers: the base is black dim. ~11.5 cm x 16 cm;
                      the second, with the embossed flower is a transparent paper;
                      I printed on a paper too thin,  so the embossing was performed
                      on a thicker one, dim. ~8.5 cm  12 cm;
- for coloring I used: glitter on double sided scotch,  brush pens for the flower
                      and gold, copper and blue markers, for borders.


Am reluat ideea din mai, cand embosarea a esuat. Lucrarea are
doua straturi: o baza neagra si o foaie de calc pe care am realizat
floarea; initial am tiparit-o pe calc prea subtire si apoi am copiat-o
pe o hartie mai groasa; pentru colorare am folosit: sclipici pe
scoci dublu adeziv, carioci cu varf flexibil pentru floare
si markere: auriu, cuprat, albastru, pentru margini.


I'm really happy I tried again! 

Effects for my friends!


@@@@@@@@@Some interesting ideas, just for fun, when you have the mood!




August challenge