This project is my entry for 'January challenge' - on Beccy's Place.
This image is based on a creation received from Beccy, "Fairy on Snail".
Materials and techniques:
Materiale si tehnici:
- a project from two layers: the base is a white embossed cardboard, on which
is bonded the printed image, also on white background;
- the yellow color was obtained with a pad;
- around the printed image, I added a little bit of 'doodling', obtained with
fine liners pens and shiny markers;
- the central image is colored with pencils with some heat embossing accents.
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Proiectul are doua straturi: o baza alba embosata pe care am lipit imaginea tiparita; galbenul este obtinut prin tusare; in jurul imaginii printate am adaugat un model prin tehnica 'doodling' utilizand carioci subtiri si markere stralucitoare cu gel; imaginea centrala este colorata utilizand creioane si zonele stralucitoare prin embosare la cald. |
This is the idea for January Challenge.
I hope the Fairy liked a little bit my doodling...
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Negative image |
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December Challenge |
Great doodling Suzana. Mine has got as far as me doing the zentangle on the image - and stopped at that. I really must finish the card!
ReplyDeleteI looked forward to see it. I never thought deeply of using doodling, but the idea it's quite interesting. I'm glad I tried it.
DeleteThank you, Suze! Have a beautiful week!
Fairy who goes fast! LOL
ReplyDeleteImi place cum ai lucrat dar parca fundalul este un pic prea ... aglomerat!
Asta este doar parerea mea ... sorry!
Muah! 😊 Pupicios! 😘😘😘
Mijloace de locomotie ca in povesti!
DeleteEste intr-adevar aglomerat si mai intens decat in realitate. Insulitele alea albe erau argintii, iar galbenul central este mai deschis...😊. Si imi pare tare bine ca mi-ai spus. Altfel cum as invata?
Oricum, e musai sa fac pozele pe zi si nu seara! Ies foarte... altfel! 😊
Multumesc, draga mea! Noapte buna si o saptamana frumoasa in continuare!
"Muah! 😊 Pupicios! 😘😘😘"
Ca e sau ba acesta giumbuslucul, imi place foarte mult! Mai ai un pic si ilustrezi carti de povesti! 😊
ReplyDeleteImi place ideea de "doodling"! Din ce-mi aduc aminte, atunci cand ascultam una-alta (sau vorbeam la telefon), desenam "automat" fel si fel de forme geometrice. :)) Eu si geometria suntem paralele, in general.
Spor la creatii, Suzana draga! ❤️ Sa ai o saptamana minunata iti doresc! Pupici! 😘
Da, asta e! M-am jucat un pic la un moment dat si parca am si postat o imagine, in alt context insa. Dar parca acum am redescoperit altfel ideea. Regret ca nu prea se vad culorile ca in realitate!😊
DeleteCred ca in fond nu este vorba de geometrie ci pur si simplu de a lasa mana libera de minte!
Multumesc, Diana draga! Noapte buna si o saptamana frumoasa! Pupici! ❤️😘
Wonderful card Suzana! You did a great job adding all the fantastic doodling around the image, what a fantastic result. I love the bright yellow background, it contrasts perfectly with the red and green you added. Very well done.
I have to reconsider 'doodling' due to your post!
DeleteI suppose would have been better with a bigger ellipse! But it's all about learning!
Thank you a lot Beccy for your kind words.
All the best!
Mie mi-a plăcut mult tot ce ai prezentat !
ReplyDeleteFelicitări !
Pupici ! ❤👍
Multumesc mult de tot, draga mea.
DeleteDar as vrea sa fac niste poze ceva mai apropiate de realitate.
Dar vine si asta!
Noapte buna si zile linistite! 😘❤️
Great picture and background. I followed your blog now. Thx
ReplyDeleteThank you a lot for the visit, comment and following
Deletemy blog.
Have a beautiful weekend ahead!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the visit, Rue.
DeleteA fine week ahead!
Your doodling equals lovely art! Have a great day! And thanks for visiting!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Kathe for the discovering this blog of mine.
DeleteIndeed it's a lovely art. When I play a few years ago with a pen on a page, I discovered later that this is quite a technique!
Have a beautiful weekend!