Saturday, February 27, 2021

A special watch

This project is my entry for
'February challenge' - on Beccy's  Place and for
More Mixed Media Challenge - 'Anything goes with optional red'

The watch of beautiful and powerful words!
Ceasul cuvintelor frumoase si puternice!

Sometimes, broken objects give me strange ideas. Like this repair using
Beccy's creation:  'Le Soleil'.
Cateodata, obiectele defecte imi dau idei ciudate. ca aceasta reparatie utilizand
o creatie a lui Beccy.


Materials and techniques:
Materiale si tehnici:

- the round board  has  18 cm. dia.
- a white napkin
is bonded on it, with dedicated glue for this technique,
  after the white painting;
- the printed image was central bonded;
- for numbers and words I used  markers black and red.
- red and gold markers were used for some accents inside the image and
  for marking the 'hours'!


Cartonul rotund are 18 cm; pe el este lipit un servetel
cu tehnica specifica; imaginea tiparita este lipita central;
pentru numere si cuvinte am folosit carioci: negru si rosu;
rosu si auriu le-am folosit pentru imagine si punctarea 'cifrelor'.

That's it! A special watch with beautiful words:
 Light, Love, Peace, Health, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Gratitude!

Aceasta este tot! Un ceas special continand cuvinte frumoase!
Lumina, Dragoste, Pace, Sanatate, Bucurie, Armonie, Intelepciune, Recunostinta!

And it has one battery!
Si are o singura baterie!



January Challenge!


Optional white




  1. Ce idee faina! Super, super, super!!!
    Arata excelent ceasul! Sa tot privesti astfel de cadran, sa stii la ce ora sunt una-alta! Sa stim ca mereu e "pe aproape" ceea ce avem nevoie. 😊

    Iti doresc sa ai weekend minunat, Suzana draga! ❤️ Pupici! 😘

    1. E un ceas vechi si obisnuit, dar mi-am propus sa-i repar ecranul si poate nu intamplator, acel soare mi s-a parut ideea perfecta. Neuronii mei au mixat mantra lui Ramsy cu completari si numerele lui Tesla! 😊 Poti sa razi cat vrei!
      La final mi s-au parut interesante si perechile pe diagonale care au rezultat inevitabil. Momentan e functional si simpatic. Mi-as dori totusi o editie revizuita, cu un scris mai frumos!
      Multumesc mult pentru entuziasm, Diana draga. Mi-a prins bine! Pupici si un final de saptamana frumos-odihnitor.❤️ 😘

  2. I love what you did with your broken clock Suzana. Beccy's image was perfect for your design.

    1. I used it before at a few projects, but now I realize that 'Le Soleil' it's perfect for a watch!😊
      Thank you so much, Suze for sharing our opinion.
      Have a beautiful weekend!

  3. This is so clever Suzana, well done! What a great way to give new life to the old clock, it looks so wonderful. I love the addition of the words too, they are all so positive and inspiring. A gorgeous creation!

    1. I love your image and was perfect for the watch.
      And positive words must be spread, because it is so much sadness around us!
      Thank you a lot, Beccy! I'm glad I succeeded to enter for February!
      Cheers, Suzana.❤️

  4. Foarte fain! Imi place!
    Pupicios! 😘😘😘

    1. Nici nu speram sa o mai ia din loc, dar chiar merge!😊
      Multumesc, draga mea!

      Pupicei! ❤️😘

  5. imi place tot ce faci, mai mesteresc si eu dar nu asa elaborat :)

    1. Multumesc mult, Carmen! Totusi prea elaborat este cam mult spus.
      Ce dureaza e ideea pana apare, dupa care e mai simplu! 😊

      Un weekend minunat!❤️😘
