Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Beccy's Challenge - Day 23- Letter U
A special unicorn

The Day 23 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 23 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

My unicorn!

My unicorn - a Christmas decoration -  inspired me for this project!
I printed a photo with it and bonded on a dark mauve cardboard on which you'll
see: gold shades from a pad and more yellow stamped images with another accessory
for cookies, in random positions.
In addition, lines with a gel shiny pen and blue metallic acrylic.

Imaginea unui unicorn - decoratiune de Craciun -  tiparita, este
lipita pe un carton mov inchis pe care am adaugat: urme aurii
dintr-o tusiera si mai multe imagini stampilate cu galben, utilizand
un alt accesoriu pentru bucatarie; in completare, linii realizate
cu gel auriu si albastru metalic acrilic.

This is my new project for letter U.

The negative

In addition, I play a little bit making this image with an unicorn, by
scraping the black color. Just a way of relaxing the mind!

Day 22 - T


  1. Frumos unicorn! Am citit multe povesti în care apare magnificul unicorn!

    1. Chiar prea multe nu am citit, dar este un subiect pe care il voi mai adanci! Ca tare sunt frumosi!
      Daca stii ce bine imi pare bine ca te aud aici...
      Numai bine, draga Prietena! Pupici!

  2. That's a beautiful unicorn Suzana. You did a wonderful job making this card from a photograph, you're very creative. Love the combination of colours. I also like the unicorn art piece you're making by scraping away the black pigment, the colours are beautiful and vibrant.

    1. This decoration is one of my favorite. And this time the color is real!
      The page is from a set of cardboards with different mythical creatures! I'm glad you liked it!
      Thank you, Beccy!

  3. E superb "ansamblul"! Are o aura de mister, felicitarea.

    1. Si mie imi place mai ales ca decoratiunea atarna de lampa si o admir zilnic. Trebuia sa fac ceva mai mult...
      ❤️ 😘
