Friday, November 12, 2021

Beccy's Challenge - Day 12-
Shaped cards - A special bookmark

The Day 12 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place.
Ziua 12 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

This project is a bookmark from a pattern cardboard. I cut it on the curved
lines and fold it. Also there are some small cuts at the  houses and  reindeer.
Inside is bonded a green cardboard, with straight  lines, on which at the ends are
two pieces of thin magnets, surrounded by a shiny sticky tape.
Also, inside is written:
On one side: 'Joy of reading' and on the other side a quote from Hemingway:
'There is no friend as loyal as a book'.
Near the curved lines I added some accents with a gold marker.

Semnul de carte este format dintr-o parte a unui carton cu model
si un altul verde lipit pe dinauntru. La extremitati sunt doua
bucatele de magneti subtiri inconjurati de o banda stralucitoare
autoadeziva; textul este pe interior; pe exterior, pe langa
liniile curbate am adaugat marker auriu.

This is my project with just a few shaped elements, nothing spectacular
but useful as bookmark!

Day 11 - J


  1. I love this project Suzana, what a great idea! Love the addition of the magnets, they'll secure the bookmark to the page. The image of the houses and the moose are wonderful. Great job.

    1. Thank you, Beccy! I have this cardboard also in the previous challenges, but I did not know how to evolve with it.
      Now was the moment, I suppose!

  2. Superba si interesanta foarte aceasta felicitare! ❤️ Tare de tot ideea semnelor de carte transformate in felicitari! 😊

    1. Imi place sa fac semne de carte. Le fac din cartoane, le trantesc un scoci colorat si le prind cu sfoara.
      Acum insa s-a potrivit modelul, mai lung. Si aveam si doua bucatele de magnet subtire de la un carnetel de pus pe frigider. Sa stii ca recuperez toate prostiile...

    2. Pfuuuu! Am tot avut calendare mititele cu magnet - si n-am pastrat magnetii! :)) Anul viitor ('ca am mai cumparat un calendar cu magnet si-o sa mai cumpar).

    3. Magnetii ii cam pastrez, dar cred ca prima data pentru asa ceva. E o modalitate de a nu pierde semnul.
      ❤️ 😘
