Monday, November 29, 2021

Beccy's Challenge -
Day 21- Letter S (2)
The dance of blue for Christmas

The Day 21 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place (second entry)
Ziua 21 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy. (a doua lucrare)


I chose to do a new project with S, so this is it.
The base is a stock blue size cardboard, with a light pattern;
for the geometry I used a stencil with a lovely shape put on the
surface; the color inside the spaces is from a pad;
in the center I used a silicone stamp and also two stickers, copper
color; other colors: blue metallic and gold from a marker.

Pe un carton bleu usor embosat am folosit un sablon
rotund prin ale carui decupari am folosit culoare din
tusiera; centrul este realizat cu o stampila de silicon;
am mai adaugat doua stickere culoare cuprului;
alte culori: albastru metalic si auriu dintr-un marker.

This stencil is too lovely and I wanted to show it to you!

The negative

Day 21 - S (1)

Update: This card is part of the race winners!




  1. It certainly is a beautiful stencil Suzana, what a lovely design for your card. Great choice of colours too, I love the combination of the blue and gold. Beautiful!

    1. I love it so much, so I wanted to use it. Maybe next time I'll find a bigger format for the cardboard to enter better.
      Thank you, Beccy!

  2. Eleganta, frumoasa si lucioasa!
    In negativ pare gogoasa cu ciocolata. 😊
    ❤️ 😘

    1. Sa stii ca-i asa. Cred ca ti-e pofta de gogosi, zi sincer.
      Si mie. Nu am mai mancat de mult!
      ❤️ 😘
