Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Beccy's Challenge - Day 29 - Letter Z
A Z from a holly bough

The Day 29 for the November Challenge on Beccy's place.
Ziua 29 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe site-ul lui Beccy.

Left: Beccy's creation from 'The Holly days set'
Right: A combination of three, for creating the Z

For this project I used a Beccy's creation, as you can see above.
I combined three images, creating the letter Z. This was the inspiration.

I printed the image, shaped it and bonded on a pattern brown background.
The Z is colored with pencils and around the circle there are little white
circles from markers.

Litera Z este formata dintr-o imagine a lui Beccy.
Am tiparit-o, decupat-o si am lipit-o pe un un fundal
cu model, maro. Pentru colorare am folosit creioane
si la final cu marker alb am facut cerculete.

That's all for this day!


  1. Ingenios Suzana. Felicitări și pentru idee si pentru realizare!

    1. Multumesc pentru apreciere, Niko. Tocmai cand sunt in pana,,
      se prelinge o idee...
      Sper ca ai avut o zi frumoasa azi. Si la fel sa fie si micro vacanta. ❤️😘

    2. Sincer nici nu mai știu. A fost un haos zilele acestea pe la mine.

    3. Uneori din haos apare ordinea...

  2. Ce stampila delicata! Imi plac mult alegerile tale - am crezut ca ai facut mini tubulete quilling - la cerculetele desenate cu alb :D.
    Foarte frumos! Pupici cu drag!!

    1. Nu a fost o stampila, am format imaginea. O, Rux, un quilling la dimensiunea aia cred ca m-ar rapune...
      Multumesc mult. Te pup si zile cu bucurii! ❤️😘

  3. What a clever idea for the "Z" challenge Suzana! You've coloured the image beautifully and I love the background paper you chose. I had to go back and look at the photo again when I read your description. I thought the white around the edge was lace! Then I saw that it was actually hand drawn circles. Wow! Amazing work.

    1. I would love to have or create such a lace, but the white markers are perfect. I have to use them more. And the idea of a letter from an image from you came and I was very happy when I found what to use.
      Thank you so much, Beccy!
      Hugs! ❤️😘
