Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Beccy's Challenge - Day 27-
Letter X - A special bookmark

The Day 27 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place
Ziua 27 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

This is a new bookmark with a lots of 'X',  meaning a specific sign (cross) used
for  Romanian traditional outfit. This time the sign is drawn on a white board,
in red and black. As embellishment I used a self adhesive lace.
Un nou semn de carte avand multe X-uri - semnul cruciulitei
din cusaturile romanesti, realizat pe carton alb, in rosu si negru.
Pentru ornare am adaugat o dantela autoadeziva.

Source (lots of  'X')

This is the 'X' day!

Day26 - W


  1. Oh my goodness Suzana, this is fabulous! At first, I thought you had sewn the little crosses on, but when I read further I realised that you had actually drawn up a grid and each little cross had been hand drawn. Amazing! It all looks so lovely and neat, just like a stitchery. Well done.

    1. I wanted first, but the time was very short so, I drawn the pattern. But I like a lot the idea of 'pretending' that I sew! :)
      I am glad that you liked this new exercise. I have to discover
      a way of doing the grid. Between lines are only three mm, so there are very close!
      Thank you, Beccy!

  2. Cat de minunat!!! <3 mie imi place sa cos pe hartie :))). chiar ma gandeam ca aveam in copilarie seturile acelea sa tesem si sa coasem frumos. erau super fain realizate si cu modele traditionale! :P.

    1. Mi s-a facut chiar dor sa cos. Hartia sper ca a fost inceputul.
      Dar si 'simularea' mi s-a parut interesanta! :)
      Pupicei! <3
