Sunday, November 17, 2019

Beccy's Challenge - Day 17 -
Letter O - The owl (first episode!)

The Day 17 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place
Ziua 17 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

A friend of mine  helped me to make the first episode for letter O...
It is one layer - card stock size. I used the heat embossing technique with

a shiny blue powder and the stencil that you already know, from letter E
with shiny markers. The owl was obtained with a silicone stamp.

Un prim episod al literei O, realizat cu ajutorul
unei stampile - bufnita. Am folosit embosarea la
cald  cu pulbere albastra  si sablonul utilizat la litera E
impreuna cu markere stralucitoare.

So, this card for letter  'O' has: an owl, an oval and one layer!
The second episode will follow!

Day 16 - N


  1. Well done Suzana, your "O" card has lots of great features. The owl stamp is wonderful and looks great stamped and embossed in blue. I like the oval frame you placed around him too. Great job on creating your one layer card!

    1. I love this technique. You can add a lot of effects on almost every image. And it is not necessary to print something.
      Thank you, Beccy!
      Have a nice day!

  2. Ce tehnica interesanta!!! :O
    Iar bufnituca e adora bila <3

    1. Cred ca este preferata mea - la tehnica ma refer. Efectele chiar merita explorate!
      Multumesc, draga mea Rux! <3

  3. Excelenta bufnitica! E atat de dragalasaaaa! :) Dar nu pe ea am remarcat-o in galerie. Ma bucur, insa, ca am ajuns aici si am vazut-o pe albastrica lucioasa. :)
    Pupici cu drag! <3

    (caut in continuare!) :)

    1. Impresionante sunt stampilele, sau mai exact matritele lor. Aceasta este marea arta! :)Mi se pare atat de simpatica ca ma apuca rasul cand o vad!
      Multumesc, draga mea! Pupicei! <3
