Saturday, November 16, 2019

Beccy's Challenge - Day 16 -
Letter N - No-line coloring transformed in neon!

The Day 16 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place
Ziua 16 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

I explored the idea from the tutorial 'No line coloring'. For the first time
I payed attention to all ways of transforming an image in Microsoft Word.
So, from this image:
'Gnarled Wreath' - Beccy's creation

I obtained:

Very interesting, but I want to share my problems: when I wanted to save from 
Word the image, I obtained the initial one with no effect. So, I use the 'snipping tool' 
to save it. But my printer has only black ink, so I could not see it.  
I transformed this dilemma in a new story, starting also with 'n': neon.  

Dupa ce am explorat posibilitatile programului Word de a modifica imagini,
dupa ce am salvat poza cu unealta 'snipping', ca altfel nu vroia, la tiparire
nu se vedea nimic, avand doar cerneala neagra. Asa ca am
trecut pe culori fluorescente.

The wreath was done with different fluorescent colors and in addition I used a
glitter marker and water colors for the sky and the trees from the background.
Coronita  a fost pictata cu culori fluorescente si am mai adaugat efecte cu un marker
stralucitor si cu acuarele pentru cer si copacei. 

This is the story of letter N!

Day 15 - M

Other Christmas decorations!


  1. Ce culori interesante!! :O [miros? hahahaha - rux si intrebarile ei]
    Imi place ideea acestei tehnici... Ahhhh de cand vreau sa fac ceva in genul acesta cu tableta grafica (oare mai merge... hahahaha) - trebuie musai sa imi golesc laptopul :O. Saracul si atarna intr-o parte monitorul. Nu stiu ce a patit ... :))


    1. Eu nu ma asteptam sa gasesc atatea variante in Word, care ar fi chiar interesante daca le-as putea tipari.
      ... Nu prea ai grija de el si incearca sa-ti atraga atentia! :)
      Pupici si o seara placuta, draga Rux!

  2. Good on you for playing around with the digital images Suzana, you're very good at creating interesting shapes and textures. The neon is fabulously bright and colourful. Love the background you created with the little pine trees. Well done!

    1. I'm glad I discovered from your tutorial about so many ways of changing the images. But I do not understand why can not be saved directly! :)Anyway, the fluorescent colors were initially for... dots on stones!
      Thank you very much, Beccy!
      All the best! Cheers!
