Friday, November 15, 2019

Beccy's Challenge - Day 15 -
Letter M - Monochromatic vision

The Day 15 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place
Ziua 15 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

This is a project with six big layers in shadows of grey, including a shiny one,
bonded like in the image, using double sided tape.  In addition, the geometries
with leaves are obtained with a cutting die and the sign of Yin-Yang is
obtained with a hobby puncher.  Over the lives I used a grey brush pen and
a silver gel pen.

Am folosit sase coli in nuante de gri, inclusiv una stralucitoare,
lipite ca in imagine, folosind banda dublu-adeziva. Suplimentar,
geometriile cu frunze sunt obtinute cu o matrita, iar semnul Yin-Yang
a fost obtinut cu un perforator. Peste frunze am am folosit o carioca
si un marker cu gel.

This is my monochromatic vision for day 15.

Day 14 - L


  1. Love that monochromatic look and the Yin-Yang too.

    1. I think I have to frame it. It's an A4 format. But I was curious how it looks!
      Thank you, Suzanne for your comment! Have a beautiful day!

  2. Wow - ce efect interesant! si ce coli dragute!!
    Imi place mult proiectul de azi :*! Pupici

    1. Si mie imi place, dar a fost o cantitate mare de coli.
      Ma tenteaza un 'reload' cu resturile, chiar daca a trecut ziua.
      Ma mai gandesc!
      Multumesc, draga Rux! Pupici!

  3. Great looking card Suzana, the different shades of grey are fabulous! I like that you've included one that's extra sparkly too. I really like the embossing, it adds some nice texture to the panel. The die cut foliage is lovely.

    1. That sparkly one is so beautiful... I love it! And the same the die. It's very delicate. I like these kind of 'focal points'.
      Thank you, Beccy!
