Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Beccy's Challenge - Day 12 -
Letter J - The Joy of reading

The Day 12 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place
Ziua 12 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

The Joy of reading!

Even I could not form perfect sets of brush pens, I felt an irresistible
attraction for Beccy's tutorial: 'Drawing candy'The results were bonded
on a board for bookmarks, inside an eight number formed with glitter.
The circles have ~3 cm dia. ( obtained with a die)  and the board has 
7.5 cm width; 13 cm height.
I added the ribbon to extend the length, in case of a bigger book.

Chiar daca nu am avut seturi potrivite de carioci, am aplicat un tutorial 
care mi-a placut foarte mult. Rezultatele le-am lipit pe un carton 
pentru semne de carte si am format cifra opt cu marker stralucitor.
Cercurile au ~3 cm. dia (le-am obtinut cu un perforator) iar cartonul are
7.5 cm latime si 13 cm inaltime. Am adaugat o panglica pentru a extinde
lungimea pentru o carte mai mare.

Just effects of the same image.

Day - 11

And not related but interesting!


  1. You've done a wonderful job on coloring your candies!

    1. Thank you, Suzanne! It's a wonderful technique. And I like my first experience with candies! A little bit different as the original, but it was fun! :)
      Have a nice day!

  2. I absolutely LOVE this tag Suzana! The shiny pens you used are perfect for these candies, they give exactly the right finish. The contrast with the black background makes them pop even more. Love the addition of the glitter too. Well done!

    1. And I want to thank for this lovely tutorial. I need more practice, but this first try was fantastic. I am curious how it will work with watercolors.
      All the best and an inspired day, dear Beccy!

  3. To read is a real joy!
    Tare frumoasa felicitarea ta!
    Muah! 😊 Pupicios! 😘😘😘

    1. Indeed! Nici nu stiu cum ar fi o lume fara carti. Sau poate nici nu ar fi! :)
      Si mie mi-a placut mult de tot!😊 Vreau sa mai exersez rotocoale! Sunt simpatice!
      Pupicei si o zi frumoasa! 😘😘😘

  4. Ce fain au iesit bombonelele <3!!! WoooW!
    E dragut si tutorialul video.. foarte interesant :D

    1. Este chiar interesant. Eram convinsa ca o sa-ti placa!
      O sa mai fac, ca ma amuza. Poate e o metoda sa devenim 'zen' colorandu-le! :)
