Thursday, November 21, 2019

Beccy's Challenge - Day 21 -
Transformed scraps!

The Day 21 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place
Ziua 21 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

Christmas fiction!

For this card I used different small pieces from other hobby exercises or even
test parts. The base is a stock card on which I tested a white marker. No pattern 
at all: just lines and small stars filling the surface. Added colors are shiny acrylic.
I used two new materials: lace in the upper corners and paper foam for the tree.
The small parts become a Christmas fiction! Good for them... :)

O felicitare formata din mici bucatele de test sau din alte incercari
de bricolaj. Baza este un carton pentru felicitari pe care am testat
un marker alb. Culorile adaugate sunt acrilice stralucitoare.
Mai apar doua materiale noi: dantela si putin dintr-o foaie de
spuma, pentru brad.

This is the 'scraps' transformation for the day 21!

Day 20 - R


  1. Great card Suzana! It makes me think of shiny Christmas baubles hanging from a Christmas tree. You did a wonderful job using lots of different scraps and off cuts... I particularly like the background filled with white pen marks. Well done!

    1. Indeed, this was the idea of hanging all sort of parts similar to baubles on a garland. I start to like the effects of white or light colors on dark backgrounds.
      Thank you, Beccy for your comment!
      Cheers and more inspiration!

  2. Barcuta roz ma dat pe spate!
    Vreau sa vina vara … 😅
    Muah! 😊 Pupicios! 😘😘😘

    1. Nici toamna nu s-a terminat bine...
      Dar vine ea, fii linistita!
      Spor la tot ceea ce faci!
      'Muah! 😊 Pupicios! 😘😘😘'

  3. Ce idee faina! Si eu pastram tot felul de "resturi" de pe la proiecte ;))). Nu se stie niciodata cand sunt de folos :D.
    Vai cum e casuta din clip :O. Vreau si eu una .... :O!!

    1. Mai am si eu destule, desi le-am mai triat in aceasta luna!
      Iar casuta mi-a placut mult de tot cum a fost facuta. Tare faina ideea!
      Pupici! <3
