Friday, November 22, 2019

Beccy's Challenge - Day 22 -
Letter S - Stamps and stickers

The Day 22 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place
Ziua 22 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

Christmas atmosphere!

It is a very simple card, with a grey background, on which I used twice
a long silicone stamp. In addition there are  five stickers: three
snowflakes and two baubles. Two hearts are also stamped.
For  edges and corners I used acrylics. 

Un carton de felicitari l-am stampilat de doua ori cu o stampila de
silicon. Suplimentar am pus cinci stickere: trei fulgi de nea si
doua globuri. Am stampilat si doua inimioare. Marginile
si colturile sunt pictate cu acrilice

This is the project for letter S!
It's so nice... stamping!

Day 21 - Scrap


  1. That's a fabulous background stamp Suzana, the snowflake pattern is lovely. The big white snowflakes you added over the top are a fabulous contrast to the background. Love the bauble stickers as well. Great job!

    1. Indeed it's a lovely stamp even the pads are small and I have to be careful with the color. But it's a nice background, even I made it twice! :)
      In this period of year I discovered all types of stickers. There are interesting to use for cards.
      Thank you, Beccy!

  2. Ninge, ninge …
    Imi place ce material ai folosit!
    Muah! 😊 Pupicios! 😘😘😘

    1. Chiar a nins un pic noaptea trecuta. Doar putin. O pudra usoara!
      Stickerele imi plac si mie. Sunt pe fond transparent. Cred ca sunt pentru decorat ferestre!
      'Muah! 😊 Pupicios! 😘😘😘'

  3. Si chiar a fulguit putin! Lapovita si ninsoare... cate un fulg mai mic, unul mai mare...
    Imi plac mult de tot cei albi in relief ;)

    1. Din aceleasi coli cu stickere de la Lidl.
      Imi plac mult de tot!
      Si chiar daca a nins putin, s-a topit repede!
      Pupici! <3
