Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Beccy's Challenge - Day 26-
Letter W - A special wreath

The Day 26 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place
Ziua 26 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

The project is based on a round part from the velvet paper I used  for  letter V.
Under it is a paper with holes already drilled. Both are bonded on a board,
stock size. The shiny lines are done with a metallic yarn. The white areas are
painted with acrylics. The other elements: the snowflakes (in the corners)
and little flowers are bonded.

Piesa centrala face parte din hartia acoperita cu catifea, utilizata
pentru litera V. Sub ea este o hartie deja gaurita, pe care am cusut-o
cu fir metalic. Ambele sunt lipite pe un carton pentru felicitari.
Celelalte elemente: fulgii si floricelele sunt lipite.

This is my project for letter W!

Day25 - V(2)


  1. Ai vazut ce bine ai facut ca ai fost constiincioasa la "lucru manual" la scoala? … acum stii sa cosi cu fir de aur!😅
    Ai acum un stoc de felicitari … de sunt geloasa pe tine! 😅
    Muah! 😊 Pupicios! 😘😘😘

    1. Chiar am fost constiincioasa. Am cateva lucrusoare simpatice!
      Si chiar vreau sa reiau... cam multe: crosetat, tricotat, cusut...
      ... Cere si ti se va da!
      'Muah! 😊 Pupicios! 😘😘😘'

  2. What a pretty pattern you've created Suzana, I like the addition of the metallic thread. The pens and paints are so lovely and shiny and give you card a lovely festive look. Well done.

    1. It's nice working with that thread. If the holes would have been smaller the effect would have been different. But is the only type I have. Thank you very much, Beccy!
      All the best!

  3. V de la vitraliu. Tot la asta ma duce cu gandul <3
    Pupici :D

    1. Daca ar fi fost si in engleza ar fi fost perfect! Pentru ca vitraliile chiar imi plac foarte mult.
      Pupici! <3
