Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Beccy's Challenge - Day 20 -
Letter R - A red entrance...

The Day 19 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place
Ziua 19 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

A red entrance in a Portal...

The time came for two pieces: a board (card stock) in different colors used
random and a sort of die cut star. I used heat embossing technique 
for the star - with red powder, of course- and in the  corners of the base. 
In addition for  letter R, some rhinestones embellished the surface.
In the center is a big one, whereas  seven small hearts are bonded on a small  
round and shiny piece of board. Also, in the central area I added effects with 
a shiny marker and some red glitter in the spaces around the petals.

Pentru acest proiect am utilizat doua elemente aflate in asteptare:
o baza colorata divers pe carton de felicitari si o geometrie de stea
cu opt petale realizata cu o matrita. Folosind embosarea la cald am
colorat centrul cu rosu si colturile bazei. Am adaugat strasuri:
unul circular central si sapte inimioare pe un cerc auriu si cateva
efecte de auriu si sclipici rosu, in zona exterioara petalelor.

This is my project for letter R! A little bit complicated, but this kind of 
entrances  are always complicated! :)

Day 20 - Q


  1. Bomboaneeee …. Azi primim bombonici! Hahahahaha ….
    Este tare "dulcica" si primitoare "the red entrance"!
    Muah! 😊 Pupicios! 😘😘😘

    1. Bravo! M-ai entuziasmat si pe mine cu bombonicile tale!
      Chiar lasa impresia de primitoare? Imi pare tare bine sa aud asta! Inseamna ca totul este asa cum e!
      'Muah! 😊 Pupicios! 😘😘😘'

  2. This reminds me of an artist's palette Suzana. I love the different swirls of colour and the sparkle from the lovely rhinestones. Great use of the embellishments too!

    1. Till now I did not know what to do with that board with different colors. I'm glad I did use it for this card. For me is special.
      Thank you, Beccy, again! It's a beautiful challenge!

  3. Portalul catre lumea din tablou <3. Imi place ideea :D.
    O lume magica!!!

    1. Daaa! Imi place ideea. Inca nu am facut portalul... perfect functional! :D
      Multumesc, draga Rux! Pupici!
