Monday, November 11, 2019

Beccy's Challenge - Day 11 -
Letter I - A transformation of Icecream

The Day 11 for the November Challenge on Beccy's Place
Ziua 11 a provocarii lunii noiembrie, pe Blogul lui Beccy.

The start image:
Imaginea de plecare:

'Icecream cone' - Beccy's creation

I transformed the image of ice-cream in a sort of snowflake. 
The card has three layers. I added a few decorative metallic elements.
The colors are shiny markers and acrylic.

Cornetul de inghetata s-a transformat intr-un fulg.
Sunt trei straturi de carton si cateva elemente metalice decor.
Culorile provin din markere stralucitoare si acrilice.

This is the letter I of the challenge!

Day - 10 (2)


  1. What a clever idea! I would never had guessed you started with icecream cones Suzana, it actually looks like a beautiful mandala painting. Great thinking for your "I" card. It's not always an easy letter to work with.

    1. Indeed! But when I saw the cone, the idea of snowflake came instantly. And could be a start for a mandala, due to the geometry. Thank you, Beccy for the inspiration!

  2. Ce bine arata fulgul de inghetata aurie <3. Dar nu stiu de ce ... ma duce cu gandul la America. La acele brose pe care le poarta ei de sarbatorile nationale. Cred ca din cauza combinatiei cromatice :).
    Pupici !!

    1. Nici prin cap nu mi-a trecut! Da, poate din cauza culorilor.
      Mi-era pofta de inghetata!
