Monday, October 14, 2024

October Challenge on Beccy's site
TC2024 - (38) October -
A hat 'painted' with wool

This project is my entry for the next challenges:

'October Challenge' on Beccy's place;

Transformari creative 2024, pe blogul lui Niko, materia prima pentru octombrie fiind
         'tuburi de hartie'. Tema 1 este 'felicitare' (a card using a paper tube).

This project is based on the image offered by Beccy, at the challenge of the month.

I discovered  recently the technique of 'painting' with wool.  And I wanted to
experiment it on this image. It's almost complete, except the writing. 
It's not a perfect match, but I think is close enough.
The short story of the project:
On a grey piece of felt I transfered the image, as you can see below. And I started
to put the brown wool according to the contour. From time to time I used a soap
solution, because is easier to control the material in the process.

After I finished with the brown color,  I added a few drops of white and after that
I did the flowers, with two colors. The petals are done in a symbolic style, using
an orange thread, over the wool.
For the curved shapes I used green wool,  with an accent of a metallic color
for textile.
The finished image is bonded on two layers: a cardboard from a paper tube and
a red felt. Around the cotour it is installed a tubular cord created from a thin thread.
On the top the connection is realized with one bead.
The general dimensions: 9.5 cm x 13 cm.

Proiectul este realizat cu acea tehnica de care am mai spus,
a picturii cu lana. Dupa transferul imaginii pe fetrul gri,
succesiunea culorilor a fost: maro, alb, portocaliu, galben,
verde (+culoare de textil). Apoi am lipit fetrul pe un tub
de hartie si un fetru rosu. Inchiderea am facut-o cu acel
snur tubular iesit cam largut, cusut pe margine. Inchiderea
am realizat-o cu o margea. Dim. 9.5 cm x13 cm.

This is my project for this month with a new experiment! 😊

September Challenge on Beccy's site

TC2024 - (37)




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