Monday, November 9, 2020

Beccy's Challenge - Day 9 -
Letter H - The Honeycomb pattern...
or a transformed disaster

 Day 9 on Beccy's November Challenge

I wanted so much to use a stencil with a honeycomb pattern.
Because I did not fixed it correctly and when I used a red spray over it,
the consequence was like in the next image:

An apparently disaster!
Un aparent dezastru dupa utilizarea pulverizatorului
peste un sablon gen fagure de miere, fixat incorect.

So,  I tried to 'fix' somehow this, using a few bonded accessories:

pieces from a transparent decoration paper,  chains obtained with a hobby
puncher used last time and three stars fixed with a thicker self-adhesive
tape. I've 'corrected' with white a few areas from the honeycomb and I
added some accents gold and red.

Elementele ajutatoare pentru a 'remedia' cumva
eroarea de vopsire si pe care le-am lipit: calc cu model,
elemente stantate si stelute puse pe o banda adeziva
mai groasa. Am 'corectat' cu alb cateva zone si am mai
adaugat accente cu auriu si rosu

The aplicated star
Steluta aplicata

The upside down look!

Day 9 was a strong lesson for me: 
I'll not say that everything could be repaired, but the trying experience
was amazing!
And as a bonus idea,  every  defect image could have a beautiful 'effect'!


Ziua a 9-a s-a transformat intr-o lectie deosebita:
Nu voi spune ca orice poate fi reparat, dar experienta incercarii
a fost fabuloasa! Ca sa nu mai spun ca din orice imagine pot
iesi efecte deosebit de frumoase, asta asa, ca un bonus!




Day 8




  1. I quite like the distressed look you achieved Suzana, it has an artsy feel. You did a wonderful job working with the honeycomb pattern despite not being completely happy with it. The results are fabulous!

    1. Next time I'll know. Funny is that the wanted subject was completely different!😊 But this is life! And the result is indeed quite nice. Thank you Beccy! Your words are quite warming!

  2. Superb a iesit! Daca si cand gresesti iti ies asa de faine... cred ca poti lucra si cu ochii inchisi. 😊

    Spor la lucru, Suzana draga! Pupici! ❤️

    1. Nuuuu! Cel mult ideile pot aparea cand am ochii inchisi! 😊
      Multumesc mult pentru entuziasm. Dupa un moment de panica, am respirat adanc si am trecut la treaba! Alta decat as fi dorit, insa a fost bine ca s-a conturat relativ OK.
      Multumesc mult, draga Diana! ❤️

  3. I love it. I didn't realise that wasn't your original plan until I read what you wrote. Sometimes from disaster, something beautiful emerges and that is certainly the card with this card Suzana.

    1. Yes! And this is a good lesson. You know, I do practically these cards almost each day, if I can. I want to learn to move rapidly between ideas and practices. Of course I think about them, knowing the letters, but nothing more. I wait the moment to think about what I have to do. And when I've seen that mess... I had to change the ideas very fast!😊
      Sometimes a mess is good!
      Thank you, Suze! Wishing you a fine week ahead!
