Transformari creative 2024 - Iunie, pe blogul lui Niko, materia prima fiind : plastic.
Tema 3 este despre cirese (cherries and using plastic).
Beccy inspired us with a beautiful image with cherries. I sincere hope
that she will forgive me because this time, more important for me was the
experiment of using a shrink plastic foil... So, The cherries can not be eaten...
So I'll explain what I did. The ideea was to draw on a special plastic, to color the image
and put it in the oven preheted at ~120 degrees. After 2-3 min. the pieces become
smaller with ~50% in all the directions and thicker.
The image was drawn on a square piece of 8cm the side, because I wanted to put it
in a small notebook that had a cutout on the top cover. (4 cm. side).
I make also a clover with a hobby puncher. You can see the differences after 'baking'.
I used it as a bookmark.
The piece with cherries was smaller than the cutout, so I had to bond it on a small
cardboard fitted on the cover.
I colored the images with markers (Posca type)
This is the start of using a material new for me. I still have many questions
about the process, but it's so interesting, that I want to explore it.
May Challengeon Beccy's site
TC2024 - (20)
Update: Voi pune aici linkuri pentru acest subiect, pe masura ce le gasesc!
Shrink foil tutorial:
Tema 3 este despre cirese (cherries and using plastic).
Beccy inspired us with a beautiful image with cherries. I sincere hope
that she will forgive me because this time, more important for me was the
experiment of using a shrink plastic foil... So, The cherries can not be eaten...
So I'll explain what I did. The ideea was to draw on a special plastic, to color the image
and put it in the oven preheted at ~120 degrees. After 2-3 min. the pieces become
smaller with ~50% in all the directions and thicker.
The image was drawn on a square piece of 8cm the side, because I wanted to put it
in a small notebook that had a cutout on the top cover. (4 cm. side).
I make also a clover with a hobby puncher. You can see the differences after 'baking'.
I used it as a bookmark.
The piece with cherries was smaller than the cutout, so I had to bond it on a small
cardboard fitted on the cover.
I colored the images with markers (Posca type)
This is the start of using a material new for me. I still have many questions
about the process, but it's so interesting, that I want to explore it.
May Challengeon Beccy's site
TC2024 - (20)
Update: Voi pune aici linkuri pentru acest subiect, pe masura ce le gasesc!
Shrink foil tutorial:
![]() |
'craftmehappy' |
foarte dragut! are asa un iz nostalgic! Poti folosi coperta pentru o colectie de retete... asa mi se pare mie potrivit ♥
ReplyDeleteFelicitari, Suzana draga! ❤️😘
Inca nu m-am gandit la continut, insa mai sunt multe de invatat despre acest material, pentru a sti sa il utilizez corect.
DeleteMultumesc, draga Carmen! Pupici! O saptamana faina!❤️😘
Your book is fantastic, Suzana, what a great way to decorate it. I love the shrink plastic, especially your idea to add the little clover on a piece of twine for a bookmark. Very clever.
I was curious about the differencies between the original clover shape and the 'baked' one. I want to explore the useful colors, because this is a subject I know nothing about...
ReplyDeleteThank you, Beccy! Cheersand a fine week!❤️😘
Foarte frumos a ieşit! Merită să păstreze amintiri dragi, e tare frumoasă.
ReplyDeleteEste un caietel micut! Amintiri? Si asta este o frumoasa posibilitate. Multumesc, draga Potecuta! Adevarul este ca imi place, chiar asa imperfect cum a iesit!
DeletePupici! O saptamana faina!❤️😘
Vai ce draguuuut!! Am vrut si eu sa folosesc ciresele stamp - dar am sfarsit pana a face eu unele :))))). O sa vezi saptamana viitoare marti.
ReplyDeleteCe imi place experimentul. Candva (acum vreo deceniu) incercase si Oana la provocari o coala de plastic care se micsora la caldura. Cu feonul.
Eram chiar curioasa daca vei incerca si varianta cu plastic normal si cum se va comporta. Ma bucur sa vad rezultatul.
Pupici cu drag
Filmuletul postat de Niko indica o cutie de plastic mai rigid.
DeleteMai trebuie scotocit, daca ele au acelasi comportament. O sa incerc, insa cand voi avea o cutie. Oricum cu tunul de embosare am incercat. Decat cuptor... pe caldura asta...
Va spun daca merge cu un alt material.
Multumesc, draga Rux! Pupici! ❤️😘
E interesant procedeul. Nu mă încumet. 😁
ReplyDeleteÎmi place mult de tot ceea ce ai realizat! 😍 Și caiețelul și semnul de carte sunt adorabile! Felicitări! 💐 Și spor la experimente reușite! ☺️
Duminica frumoasa îți doresc, Suzana draga! 💗 Pupici! 😘
E ff simplu, daca ai o coala de aia. Sau o cutie ca in filmulet.
DeleteCica ar trebui sa scrie PS6. Las un link cu semnificatii, sa il regasesc:
Am vazut ca se poate colora si cu creioane. Este uluitor cum se crampoteste si apoi se intinde. Ma rog, aproape. Se spune sa lasi obiectul sub o greutate, insa cred ca depinde cu ce il colorezi, sa nu se ia vopseaua.
Asa ca daca gasesti, incearca. Nu vei regreta!
Zile frumoase, Diana draga! Pupici! ❤️😘
In primul rand, imaginea pare destinata exact acelui carnetel! Si in al doilea rans, felicitari ca ai reusit experimentul! Am incercat si eu dar... a iesit altceva decat am intentionat. Poate o sa postez, sa vad daca aveti voi o idee mai buna decat a mea.
ReplyDeleteAveam carnetelul, asa ca am dimensionat placuta la dublul dimensiunii. S-a stramtat putin mai mult, dar a fost bine, pentru ca nu aveam cum sa-l mai tai, daca era mai mare.
DeleteNu am scris explicit, se vede doar in poza. Gaurirea trebuie facuta inainte, ca se poate face cu perforator obisnuit. Si se micsoreaza si ea, evident.
Oricum imi place ideea. O sa reiau...❤️😘