This project is my entry for:
'August Challenge' - on Beccy's Place;
The project is based on a part of Beccy's creation: 'Simple sentiment sets'.
The image was modified with the program, creating a symbolic butterfly.
The base is a grey cardboard on which I bonded the image printed and shaped.
Around it, there are some pieces from a cardboard with a pattern created by
myself, using the same method with nail polish. ( I let it dry for 24 hours).
For coloring I used metalic acrylics between the bonded pieces, red marker along
the curved lines, pencils and shiny markers for the butterfly.
For coloring I used metalic acrylics between the bonded pieces, red marker along
the curved lines, pencils and shiny markers for the butterfly.
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Baza este un carton gri pe care am lipit imaginea tipărită si modelata. In jurul ei sunt cateva bucati dintr-un carton cu model creat de mine, folosind aceeasi metoda cu oja. (L-am lasat sa se usuce 24 de ore). Pentru colorare am folosit acrilice metalice între piesele lipite, marker roșu de-a lungul liniilor curbe, creioane și markere strălucitoare pentru fluture. |
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July Challenge |
What a beautiful way to use the flowers Suzana, your butterfly looks fabulous! You've done a wonderful job of extending the wings out from the images. I was surprised to read that you'd used nail polish in the background... I never would think to add nail polish. Fantastic idea!
I was very surprised to see how the nail polish could be spread on water and moved with a thin stick. I tried on that small cardboad which was thicker, so the water did not affect it too much.
DeleteThank you, Beccy! Have a fabulous week! Hugs!❤️😘
Imi place cum arata, cu floricele pe aripi - le duce usor. 😊 Imi place mult si "fasia" invartita in jurul fluturasului, si-mi plac culorile. Concluzie: imi place foarte mult! 😊 ❤ Felicitari, Suzana draga! 😘 💕
ReplyDeleteZi frumoasa iti doresc!
In mintea mea floricelele erau inceputul aripilor, chiar daca estetic nu este chiar asta efectul.
DeleteOricum, mai am doua teste de alte culori, facute la fel, cu oja.
Nici pe asta nu o foloseam, dar s-a potrivit curbura colturilor.
Ca altfel era mai complicat.😊
Multumesc frumos pentru apreciere, Diana draga! Pupici!
Un final de saptamana linistit!❤️😘
Era o vreme cand reuseam s mai fac si eu cate o felicitare si... de cele mai multe ori, imi faceam de la zero toate (chiar si „stampilele” :P). N-am mai reusit in ultima perioada deloc - dar mi-e chiar dor.
ReplyDeleteImi place enorm felicitarea cu fluturas. Ce idee faina ai avut sa pornesti de la floricele si sa tesi in jurul lor o intreaga poveste. Adorabil. E ca o metamorfoza...
Pupici cu drag :)
A fost un moment de inspiratie. De fiecare data ma inteb ce sa fac la singura felicitare lunara, chiar daca as vrea mai multe... Si programul ala chiar are posibilitati dragute. Ai dreptate cu metamorfoza. Ar fi fost bun titlul, insa nu a fost sa fie.
DeleteMultumesc draga Rux! Pupici!❤️😘