Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A medallion in a special space

This project is my entry for 'January Challenge' on Beccy's Place.
Proiectul meu pentru provocarea lunii ianuarie, pe site-ul lui Beccy.

The image used was the  'Medallion' - Beccy's creation.

Materials and techniques:
Materiale si tehnici:

- three layers: two cards stock- red as base and a shiny grey shaped board;
                         on the third one, white, I printed the image;
- both sides adhesive tape between layers;
- heat embossing for different areas; 
  the powders used: shiny blue, multicolored gold, black, silver;
- a calligraphy pen for the black lines;
- a glitter red marker for corners;
- a fine red pen, for some lines of the medallion.

Am utilizat trei straturi: rosu, gri stralucitor si alb ( pe care
am tiparit imaginea); lipirea intre ele: cu banda autoadeziva;
am utilizat tehnica embosarii la cald, cu patru culori: albastru,
auriu multicolor, negru si argintiu; liniile negre realizate cu
o carioca pentru caligrafie; alte accente cu carioca stralucitoare
pentru colturi si carioca rosie pentru medalion.

The central blue area is somehow similar with an image from an old Romanian 
wood bookshelf.
Imaginea centrala este cumva similara cu un motiv aflat pe un raft de carti din lemn.

This is my January creation! 

And some blue effects!

December challenge

Friday, January 10, 2020

A shiny column

My creation for:
More Mixed Media Challenge: 'Anything goes + Optional blue'.
A Bit More Time To Craft Challenge #107 - Anything Goes

Creative Craft Cottage Challenge #125 - Anything Goes
The Artistic Stamper Creative Team - January Challenge - Anything goes

Materials and techniques:
Materiale si tehnici:

- board with a blue pattern (dim. 10 cm. x 15 cm.);
- as second layer a black board (dim. ~ 8.5 cm x 12.5 cm); 
- glitter powder blue, red, gold;
- hobby puncher triangle shape;
- glitter adhesive paper;
- double sided adhesive tape;
- wood frame (dim. ~12 cm x 17 cm).

Compozitie cu un carton de baza cu model pe albastru si unul
negru, mai mic si acoperit complet. Pulberea stralucitoare in trei culori
(rosu, auriu, albastru) este lipita pe banda adeziva. Cele doua laterale si
triunghiurile (realizate cu perforator) sunt din hartie autoadeziva stralucitoare. 

The shiny space was obtained with glitter, spread on the adhesive tape and 
with an adhesive glitter paper on the lateral sides and for the triangles.

Framed card

Blue effects

My previous project

Friday, January 3, 2020

White into a shiny space

My creation for More Mixed Media Challenge: 'Anything goes + Optional white'.

Materials and techniques:
Materiale si tehnici:

- black board as base (dim.  9cm x 13 cm);
- silicone stamp, heart shape; 
- glitter white (95%) and copper and double sided adhesive tape;
- acrylic red paint, red  glitter gel pen and gold paint marker; 
- wood frame (dim. 10.5 cm x 14.5 cm);
- heat embossing for the heart, using white powder;
- the shiny 'frame' was the result of powdering the glitter on the adhesive tape;
Some details:

Pe carton negru, inima a fost obtinuta prin embosare la cald,
marginea stralucitoare prin presararea sclipiciului pe
banda dublu adeziva, iar cele doua mici geometrii sunt
realizate cu rosu acrilic, carioca cu gel si marker auriu.

I repainted the frame to be in harmony with the card, using acrylic color, 
varnish and glitter in corners, after I depolished the shiny surface.
Rama am matuit-o si revopsit-o cu acrilice, lac si sclipici in colturi.

Framed card

My previous project